September 05, 2012

Html Working With Fonts

Html Working With Fonts | Guideinfoyou the template website | logo design
Alright we know the Html was good right? We've gotten pretty deep now into text control, but there's still more ahead so let's go with it.We can control the font in HTML by using? mmhhh what else? the <FONT> tag! We can use the <FONT> tag to control size using the SIZE attribute. The SIZE attribute is used like this:

This text font size x.

Follow in my little instruction that you cannot lost eh2 :)

Where x is a number, from 1 to 7. The size that the formatted text is depends on the viewers preference settings and screen resolution. Generally though, 1 is really small and 7 is really big. Just in case you're curious, the default font size is 3. There is also a tag called the <BASEFONT> tag, which only can take the SIZE attibute, attribute is made to change the size of the text on the entire page.
We can also add color to our text using the <FONT> tag.
Color is added to text using,  the COLOR attribute to the <FONT> tag. We use the COLOR attribute the same way as the SIZE attribute:

<FONT SIZE="4" COLOR="red">
This is colorful text in font size 4!


To our page's viewers, it would look like this:
This is colorful text in font size 4!
The COLOR attribute can use these standard colors: black, white, green, red, yellow, blue, aqua, fuchsia, gray, lime, maroon, purple, navy, olive, silver or teal. What? You need more control? Then I suggest you learn the hexadecimal color codes. Hex color codes are used like this:

<FONT COLOR="#0033FF">
This text is purple.

For more color you can check the color code in the other site that there is a an application command of hex coloring command or if you have an application for hex coloring try it.

The last attribute to <FONT> we'll learn in this tutorials is FACE. By defining a font's face, you can control the appearance of that font. The FACE attribute is used like this:
<FONT FACE="arial" size="5" color="red"> // This is our font face Tutorial
This text is a stunning arial size 5 in red!


To the viewer, it would look like this:

This text is a stunning arial size 5 in red!

Yes, this is great,but in the other computer not functioning this method sometimes we need to modified the code that can understand to their computer, but nothing to worry now on this year we can easily to function our text and format our text by using Microsoft Office, Office org, or any Office text editor software.

Now we the simple text and it was great right, but what if we need to put some special characters into our page? Well, once again HTML to the rescue! The format for this is & followed by the Numeric Code of the special character, or the mnemonic entity of that character, followed by:

Here's a list of the important special characters:

Character Numeric CodeMnemonic EntityCharacter Name
" #34 quot Quotation mark
& #38 amp Ampersand
< #60 lt Less Than sign
> #62 gt Greater Than sign
¢ #162 cent Cent sign
£ #163 pound Pound sterling
¦ #166 brkbar Broken Vertical bar
§ #167 sect Section sign
© #169 copy Copyright
® #174 reg Registered trademark
° #176 deg Degree sign
± #177 plusmn Positive or Negative
² #178 sup2 Superscript two
³ #179 sup3 Superscript three
· #183 middot Middle dot
¹ #185 sup1 Superscript one
¼ #188 frac14 Fraction one-fourth
½ #189 frac12 Fraction one-half
¾ #190 frac34 Fraction three-fourths
Æ #198 AElig Capital AE ligature
æ #230 aelig Small ae ligature
É #201 Eacute Accented capital E
é #233 eacute Accented small e
× #215 Multiply sign
÷ #247 Division sign

For the body color in our pages you can use this tag code BGCOLOR attribute into your <BODY> tag.

It's used like this:

<BODY BGCOLOR="color or hex number code">

So now we have got a lot stock of our mind about Fonts in HTM? We can now to go in another part tutorial.

Next to Html Creating Lists
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